Sunday 29 January 2012

André Rieu...

Happy 4 month birthday! To celebrate we watched André Rieu... only joking, it was a coincidence but I was surprised how much you seemed to enjoy watching him and his orchestra.

Part of me was wondering if this went back to when I was pregnant with you as I watched a couple of his concerts with Gran. The other part of me reckons it was the music and colours which grabbed your attention. Either way, André rocks!

Love Mummy x

Picture source: &

Saturday 28 January 2012

Rolling over...

I had you on the floor while I was sorting out and you just went for it!

I'm so proud.

Love Mummy x

Friday 27 January 2012

Caught in hailstones...

Today while we were walking home from West Park we got attacked by hail! I, like always, was unprepared with no umbrella but thankfully I'd remembered the rain cover for your pram so you were nice and toasty!

Needless to say I ran home with the pram but still got completely soaked.

Love Mummy x


Thursday 26 January 2012

JJ's Closing down...

Today I have learnt that JJ's Sensory Centre is closing down on Sunday 29th January 2012 due to financial difficulties. This was where you were introduced to your first sensory room and I do feel saddened we won't be able to go again.

It was fun while it lasted.

Love Mummy x

Thursday 19 January 2012

Tuesday 17 January 2012

You and Daddy...

This is my favourite photo (so far) of you both.

Love Mummy x

Monday 16 January 2012

Nursery shopping...

Today we went to look around Footprints Day Nursery. It's quite scary doing this so early (approx. 6 months until you will be going!) but I'm paranoid we won't get a place. This one was really nice and all the staff were lovely as well.

I still haven't quite overcome the fact that I will be leaving you for at least two whole days a week - the thought at the moment just worries me... but hopefully once you have settled in you will be absolutely fine and have a great time!.. But I'm still glad it's a long way away.

Love Mummy x

Thursday 12 January 2012

First time in your cot...

Last night I decided to put you in your cot for the first time. Up until now you have been sleeping in your Moses basket in the cot, but it has become quite a squeeze! I had you in a gro-bag which Hannah had given us and you must have liked it as you slept through.

I think it's time for the Moses basket to go up in the loft!

Love Mummy x

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Your 2nd vaccinations...

Today I took you for your second lot of vaccinations. While we were waiting to be called Hannah came in with Tasmin as she was getting hers done as well.It was nice going through it together as it certainly doesn't get any easier! This was you once we were back home:

You were fine this time around. You slept quite a lot during the day and your temperature didn't make it over 37 so we were all happy! Next set are due in 4 weeks time.

Love Mummy x

Sunday 8 January 2012

New foot muff....

Now that you are getting a little big for the carry cot attachment of the pram we have put it away and brought out the push chair seat. Unfortunately at the time we bought it, it didn't even cross our minds to buy a foot muff so I had to go shopping for one pronto! This is what I found:

...and I love it! Lots of growing room for you as well.

Love Mummy x

Friday 6 January 2012

Bumbo seat...

For Christmas Santa brought you a Bumbo seat and you look so adorable in it I had to post about it!

Love Mummy x

Thursday 5 January 2012