Monday, 26 March 2012

Feeding the ducks...

It was glorious again today so Hannah and I took you both to feed the ducks for the very first time!

Love Mummy x

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Afternoon with Tasmin...

You were both chatting away to each other and sucking each others toys. You would both then try to explore each others face but end up poking yourselves in the eye!

So cute!

Love Mummy x

Friday, 23 March 2012

Truck stop...

A few weekends ago we stopped off at your first 'Truck Stop' for a cup of tea and a bacon butty.

Love Mummy x

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Weigh in...

You weigh 19Ib 4oz and are 25 weeks old

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

First time on grass!

This afternoon at Gran's the weather was glorious so Phil and I took you out onto the grass for the first time!

It was really nice actually because seeing you encouraged Gran to have a wander around the garden as well. Nice work son!

Love Mummy x

Sunday, 18 March 2012

First Mother's Day...

Our first Mother's day was today and we had a lovely time. I was spoilt by you and your father - I received a card from each of you, a gorgeous spotty tea pot, a purse, a 'Special Mummy' bracelet and tulips and daffodils which are my favourite!

Unfortunately Daddy was under the weather today so he couldn't join us at Gran's which was a shame as uncle Phil and I really outdid ourselves!

Phil was in charge of decorations and went a little mad with the bunting and I was in charge of the food.

The theme was an indoor picnic with a ploughman's for lunch with a choice of chocolate cheesecake, scones, vanilla slices or Gran's Victoria sponge for dessert!

After we had eaten, Phil was playing with you blowing some bubbles Mary & Patrick brought and you were trying to catch them - I didn't take any photos of it, but have it on video to show you.

Love Mummy x

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Saturday with Mary & Patrick...

Today Mary and Patrick came over to visit us. They had brought lots of new toys for you!

We went for lunch at the Leather's Smithey in Langley and wandered around the reservoir afterwards to walk off that chocolate fudge cake your farther and I demolished!

Love Mummy x

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Weaning has begun...

Take one of these:

 And one of these:

Add a bit of this:

And this:

And this:

And finish with one of these:

Our first attempt of spoon feeding with some baby rice... the verdict - you loved it!

Love Mummy x

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Your high chair...

Today we got your high chair and I love it!

And already everything I have given you has ended up on the 

Love Mummy x

Friday, 9 March 2012

Nice outfit...

I apologise in advance for this. In a moment of wisdom I decided I wanted to recreate the below photograph of Gran and I. Having kept hold of the outfit I'd been dreaming of this moment ever since you'd arrived (well, not really but I thought it would be cute).

This is what we came up with:
...and these are some out takes:

Ok, so really I should have done this sooner as the outfit was a little small for you. I think we did ok on the photo front, but unfortunately when I wore the outfit I think I looked pretty cute... where you look a little daft (and your dad was mortified), so here's one more for the album!


Love Mummy x

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Weigh in...

You weigh 18Ib 10oz and are 23 weeks old

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Reservoir walk...

With the lovely sunny weather yesterday, I decided to take a trip up to Langley and have a wander around the reservoir.

Although don't let that sun mislead you, it was jolly cold!

Love Mummy x

Monday, 5 March 2012

Sitting up...

You've been practising hard to sit up on your own and you are very nearly there...

...but still topple over!

Love Mummy x